
CASE takes pride in offering a supportive foundation for all our members. The following resources are crafted to enhance knowledge and provide information specific to the utility and special district landscape. Here, you’ll discover invaluable guidance on making a positive impact in your community, enriching your understanding of the water utilities industry, and fostering connections that contribute to your professional growth.

Empowering Communities

The Unique Role of Municipal Utility Districts in Texas Governance

Municipal Utility Districts (MUDs) in Texas stand out as a distinctive aspect of the decentralized government framework in the United States. While a comparative analysis across states provides insights, it is particularly relevant to this discussion as the necessity for governmental entities like MUDs is intricately tied to how states allocate responsibilities and authority among towns, cities, counties, and the state.


The Argument in Favor of MUDs as Currently Constituted In Texas

In many ways, Municipal Utility Districts (MUDs) in Texas are a unique feature of the division of responsibilities of layered government throughout the United States. However, a comparative analysis among states is only useful for this discussion in that the need for governmental entities such as MUDs relates to how states divide responsibilities and powers among towns, cities, counties, and the state itself…

HURRICANE HARVEY: Impact of Harvey on Houston MUDs

Few disasters figure as prominently in history and the human imagination as a flood. Ancient cultures including the Mayans, the ancient Greeks, the Sumerians, the Chinese and the Indians, all have flood myths. The Bible records the history of Noah’s survival of the flood…

Texas Water Districts: A General Guide

Not all water districts in Texas are the same. Though most are subject to the Water Code, they can vary in size, type, services offered, customer policies, and customer base as well as the authority to manage their operations. That’s why it’s important for customers to have a general understanding of their water district, its obligations to them and its service area.

If you’re a customer, resident, or simply an interested citizen, this guide will give you an overview of Texas water districts. It offers you helpful tips for handling common customer problems and answers several related questions.


This website lets water users statewide take an up-close look at the 2022 State Water Plan data and how water needs change over time by showing:

  • projected water demands,
  • existing water supplies,
  • the relative severity and projected water needs (potential shortages),
  • the water management strategies recommended to address potential shortages, and
  • recommended capital projects and their sponsors.

Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ)

This is considered to be the environmental agency for the state. It is a helpful resource for information concerning state permits, water and air quality as well as regulation compliance and enforcement.

Texas Water Development Board (TWDB)

This is considered to be the environmental agency for the state. It is a helpful resource for information concerning state permits, water and air quality as well as regulation compliance and enforcement.

Texas water resources library

A publicly available water library

Useful links

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